Cape of Good Hope Art Gallery would be organising Singaporean artist Mr Nai Swee Leng’s solo exhibition titled “Charms and Delight” during August 2024. Several masterpieces from the 1980s and 1990s as well as recent paintings by the artist will be on display. The subjects include sparrows, chicks, goldfish, red-crowned cranes and lotus ponds etc.
We hope the paintings would nicely express the elegance and poetic beauty of Mr Nai’s calligraphy writing and paintings.
Exhibition Paintings
Playful Goldfish by Nai Swee Leng from 2024
“Sparrows and Pomegranate” by Nai Swee Leng from 2007
“Being able to bring out the different tonal values of the black ink medium and to apply adequate colours to highlight the vibrancy of the subject matter is important in traditional ink painting.
After mastering ink and colour, one would feel at ease when painting and the works that follow would be eye pleasing and long lasting.
“Many young art lovers are interested in learning about traditional ink paintings. They will appreciate their elegance, consider purchasing them and displaying them at home.
Therefore, as a gallery, we will continue to identify the ink paintings by Mr Nai Swee Leng as a main point of entry for the younger collectors to experience the splendour and beauty of traditional ink paintings.”
“Mynahs and Boungainvillea” by Nai Swee Leng from 2015
“Red-crowned Crane” by Nai Swee Leng from 1998
Nai Swee Leng recent activities
2013, Mr Nai Swee Leng’s paintings were exhibited at an art exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Xiling Seal Society in Hangzhou, China.
2015, National Gallery Singapore collected Mr Nai’s painting from 1995 titled “Gathering in Winter”.
2016, Mr Nai Swee Leng was invited by the National Gallery Singapore to share the development history of ink painting during the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It was also at this event that he gave a live painting demonstration to the audience.
2016 Cape of Good Hope Art Gallery organised a solo exhibition showcasing Mr Nai Swee Leng’s paintings was held at ION Orchard level 4 art space.
Mr Nai Swee Leng and his paintings
“学习传统水墨画不是一朝一夕就能有所成就。它是一个长远的过程,需要有一位好老师指点也需要常常翻阅好的书籍接触绘画理论。持续提高书法的修养对创作传统水墨画是必不可少的。 ”
“Chicks and Pomegranate” by Nai Swee Leng from 2016
2013年 赖瑞龙老师的画作在中国杭州西泠印社欢庆100周年的艺术展上展出。
2015年 新加坡国家美术馆收藏了赖瑞龙老师的作品,”松间趣”。
2016年 赖瑞龙老师受新加坡国家美术馆邀请,分享明清时期水墨画的发展历史。活动当天,赖老师还为现场观众进行了绘画演示。
2016年 赖瑞龙老师在爱雍乌节四楼展览厅举办个人画展
Exhibition Photos