Chua Mia Tee
Chua Mia Tee’s paintings are celebrated for his depiction of social issues or matters of historical significance - capturing both the way of life, as well as the temperament and character of his subjects.
Koi Fishes Lotus Pond 2006
Chua Mia Tee
Born 1931
Chua received his art education at NAFA under instructors such as See Hiang To, Chen Chong Swee, Cheong Soo Pheng and Ko Pei Teck.
Exhibits Workers in a Canteen at the National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore’s inaugural exhibition.
Produce six paintings on the theme of vanishing trades in Singapore for the Straits times Group’s limited edition 1978 calendar.
Produces National Day paintings to commemorate the nation’s 25th year of nation building with fellow artist Ong Kim Seng. Chua’s painting titled Parade in the Padang is featured on the cover of The Straits Times.
Solo exhibition at the National Museum Art Gallery, featuring 130 artworks.
Chua Mia Tee was conferred the Cultural Medallion by the National Art Council Singapore, the highest accolade awarded to individuals in recognition of their artistic excellence.
Chua Mia Tee, Directing the real exhibition at National Gallery Singapore.