4 Classical Techniques Used in Oil Paintings

An oil painting is an interpretation of an artist’s experience and a reflection of their aesthetic sensibility. Here are 4 techniques most oil painters use in the process of creating their masterpieces.

  1. Alla Prima

Alla Prima is translated as ‘at first attempt’ in Italian. Using this technique, most artists are able to finish a painting in a day or less due to its fast-paced application, avoiding the drying of paint or the need for touch-ups. A thick layer of paint is applied and most of the time, only that layer is present on the artwork.

Impressionists like Claude Monet and even Vincent Van Gogh are common users of Alla Prima.

Zhu Hong uses the wet on wet technique on most of his landscape paintings.

Zhu Hong uses the wet on wet technique on most of his landscape paintings.

Zhu Hong As Rain Falls 100x120cm Oil on canvas 2020

Zhu Hong
As Rain Falls
Oil on canvas


2. Chiaroscuro

Commonly observed in paintings by masters such as Rembrandt and Caravaggio, the method of Chiaroscuro refers to the strong contrast of light and dark tones to bring out three-dimensional objects. The creation of dramatic lighting, isolation of figures and heightening of emotional tension are observed upon the application of this technique.

Danya Yu Encounter with Twilight  100x80cm Oil on canvas 2017

Danya Yu
Encounter with Twilight
Oil on canvas

3. Impasto

In Italian, Impasto means ‘mixture’. This painting technique involves thick and undiluted paint to be dabbed onto the canvas, creating an imagery made out of rough textures and distinctive brush strokes. Notable impasto painters include Van Gogh and Rembrandt.

Koeh Sia Yong  Sunflowers 80x90cm Oil on canvas 1999

Koeh Sia Yong
Oil on canvas

4. Palette Knife

The palette knife is commonly used to mix paint pigments to achieve a desired colour. However, it can also be a painting tool that substitutes paintbrushes as it can produce unique and textural strokes that are unachievable by brushes.

Mr Ang using a palette knife on his artwork. .

Mr Ang using a palette knife on his artwork. .

Ang Ah Tee Arab Street  Acrylic on canvas 90x70cm 2014

Ang Ah Tee
Arab Street
Acrylic on canvas